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Author Micah Cambre

Family Guy Live

Friday night was the highlight of my month. After a month of waiting, I went to the Wiltern LG theater and saw the actors who voice the characters on Family Guy. This was one of the funniest nights of laughter that I’ve had in years. By the end, my eyes were so red and teary.


Sideways cadbury egg

I had a Cadbury egg today… I’m happy :)

I also went to see the movie Sideways. As with the movie Adaptation, it probably takes a certain audience to really appreciate much of the content. I gave the movie 9/10 stars. Wanna know the best part of the movie? I saw it at the Arclight Cinemas and we attended a 21+ version where anyone who wanted could buy alcohol and drink it in the theater. So we both had a half a cup of chardonnay wine. Knowing that the plot of the movie deals with wine, that really helped put us in the mood!

It’s nice to have finally have a great evening of good company and a nice film. Go out and enjoy yourself, life is awesome!

Family Guy, May 1st, 9/8c- BE THERE

I’m a huge fan, I admit it. I’m probably even obsessed a little, I’ll admit that as well. But my joy is well worth the excitement. Ya see, my favorite cartoon family is making a come back to Fox this spring. That’s right, Family Guy is officially back on May 1st.

Starting this past Sunday, Fox began a five week broadcast of Family Guy Episodes at the 9/8 o’clock spot as a little teaser to whet your appetite. Since I own the DVD set, it won’t really upset me if I miss any episodes since I’ve seen all of them at least 5 times each. But, I highly recommend to you if you’re a fan of the Simpsons, Futurama, or South Park, you should give Family Guy a chance if you haven’t already. It’s rude, it’s crude, and it’s sometimes nude, but it’s absolutely hilarious!

It’s sad when you come across censorship in a very sad form. I understand why the FCC has to do what it does, it’s not totally lost. However, when it’s completely ambiguous for Fox to have to guess what’s appropriate to show and what’s not, there’s definitely something wrong. Five years ago, when an episode of the Family Guy broadcast, the episode was shown in its entirety. Yesterday, when they rebroadcast the episode, “Fox electronically blurred a character’s posterior, even though the image was seen…when the episode originally aired.” Sounds like a double standard to me.

For more info on Family Guy, you can check out these websites:

Family Guy on
Planet Family Guy
Family Guy Reference Files

suck my…

Sweet… You gotta love it when high powered, multi-billion dollar company heads get right to the point. It seems that when Steve Ballmer was talking to the former head of Nintendo, he was somewhat lost in translation at one point, until Yamaushi directly said it in English.

life experience

In the end, all you have is your experiences. Your life moments and life stories. Your memories. They help define you, help you define your existence, and are the reason for life itself. They don’t wait for you to prepare for them, they just happen. And, as often like I have experienced it, they usually pass before you realize their existence.

Two nights ago, I watched a movie called The Rules of Attraction. It’s about the experience of college life, experiences that many people can identify with. There’s the drugs, the sex, the chase of a crush, the depressions, the obsessions. And you realize afterward how real it all was at the time. However, my initial reaction to that movie was that of confusion. I totally didn’t get it. No point, no plot, just a bunch of random experiences. And the end of the movie was basically just sharp stop. No real closure. I watched it with my brother and he got it. I asked him what the point was, and in many words said I just didn’t get it.

Tonight, I just watched Garden State for the second time. It’s even better the second time around. Garden State is also about life experience. It pretty much reminds you that things are gonna happen no matter what. Your experiences are defined by your choices. They might be good or bad, but it’s yours and no one else’s. I think that is the best message of the movie for me. To realize that I’m the only one who can control what happens to me, how I deal with it, and what I do to move on. I can totally identify with so much of the movie.

And thus, this is the problem I had with the first movie. I could hardly relate to many of the situations that occurred and thus felt rather disconnected from the flow and stories. Most of it was random, meaningless story to me. But Garden State was totally identifiable. I realize that even though I didn’t enjoy it as much as someone else would, it has just as much chance of being a good movie to another person.

*spoilers below*

Near the end of Garden State, they main characters are sitting in a bathtub when he starts talking about a random memory of his mother. It’s weird, because at that time I thought about my grandmother. The scene started out with him playing with a necklace that belonged to his mom, probably recalling what his memories.

I remember many years ago before my grandmother moved out of her house, I knew that someday soon she was going to leave her house. In fact, I think I remembered hearing from my mom that it would probably be my last time to really visit that house. Every summer from when I was really young to when I was in high school, I would visit her for a week. One night during my last week long visit with her in high school, after we were both in bed, I got back out of bed for about 30 minutes to walk around the dark rooms. I went to just about all of the rooms, realizing that I was creating a memory for myself. I knew that I needed to go to every room and look around for a picture that I could keep with me. Yes, I’d been in all of those rooms for most of my life anyway, but something drew me to actively make this memory. I was “in it” as Sam elegantly put it, knowing exactly what I was doing.

Right after my grandmother died, I remember how weird it was to see all of these personal belongings of hers. I remember feeling so strange because she was missing and all of her stuff was right there. One of the more difficult tasks was trying to decide what to keep and what to give away. Part of you wants to hold on to everything, sulking over what happened in some denial. But you realize that at some point it would be time to let go so what would be the point of keeping so much random stuff. It’s such a weird feeling, and something that I will have to continue to deal with for the rest of my life as I get older.

It seems like I often feel like holding onto my past. It’s never fun to move on so quickly because the change is always such a pain to go through. But eventually I realize it’s time to move on. It’s time to make new experiences. It’s time to keep going and move onto another important time of my life.

Go see I Am David this weekend


This weekend matters for the success of this movie! Go see it and support a great movie! See my review for more information.

a movie and books

My mind is blank. I am sitting here trying to think of something to say but I can’t figure anything out. I haven’t done anything for the past three days so it’s not like there’s a lot going on.

The one thing I did do was drive to see a movie called Team America. If you don’t like South Park, you won’t like Team America. I thought the movie was very funny, not the whole movie but certain parts. It’s funny to see how much you can get away with making fun of recognizable people in puppet form.

I think the funniest thing about this movie is how I was watching it. The puppets were talking, speaking many opinions about weapons of mass destruction and terrorists. Half of the movie I was staring at the screen trying to reason with what they were saying. It might have been because these subjects were so personal, but then something funny happens and I forget about the logic.

So, all of this along with a funny theme song (which is inappropriate for almost everyone) I can’t recommend this movie to anyone except people in my generation or those who are fans of South Park.

Before the movie started, I spent a lot of my time in Borders bookstore. I enjoy going to these stores (like Barnes and Nobles) and usually can spend a great amount of time just browsing music and books. I’m sure you can identify. I know there are a lot of great books out there and I should enjoy reading other types, but the very first area which I usually default to is the computer/programming book section. Seriously, I’m still a geek at heart! What I really want to do is buy a bunch of the CSS/XHTML, Photoshop, digitial photography, and other similarly themed books. There is so much that I could learn to utilize in these books to help me with my web design and it’s fascinating. However, I just don’t have enough money to buy them, and even if I bought them, would I read them or just shove them aside like most of my other books?

I think I have nothing else to say. What you should do this weekend? Eat some chocolate. That’s not a suggestion, it’s an order!

my gaming conquest

Zelda - The Wind Waker

It becomes much easier to pick up old, familiar hobbies when you have more free time to enjoy for yourself. It seems my hobbies adapt over the years for many reasons but recently during the past couple of years I have begun to play more video games.

Ever since that glorious Christmas in 1987 when Santa brought us the unfamiliar but quickly lovable Nintendo gaming system, my love for the video game industry grew exponentially every year. Not only was it a past time favorite, it often became an quick obsession. Despite, I did not play video games too seriously until my old friend Dee opened my eyes to his new game called Final Fantasy in 1991. It was then that I realized how much fun the role playing game (RPG) could be. Just a year or two later came the Super Nintendo and then began the REAL obsession and countless hours of gaming with games like Final Fantasy II, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World, Zelda, and others. Up to this point, I mostly started games but never finished them to the end. Interestingly, I don’t even think I have defeated Super Mario Bros. to this day.

During high school, my interests began to shift as I became interested in, well, more interesting subject matters such as my girlfriend. And so, the decline of time I spent in front of the television for gaming purposes began and it lasted many of my collegiate years. It’s not that I was sick of video games, it was a combination of realizing that time was almost always of the essence and my tastes in life naturally shifted.

So, while I was schooling for my last years in Denver I brought the Gamecube up with me after Christmas and ever since then progressively played more and more games. First came the new Metriod (my top 5), then Mario Sunshine, and now I just finished Zelda – The Wind Waker. This game was probably one of the most well rounded games I’ve played in a while. The graphics were overly exceptional for a cartoonish feel, the storyline was very easy to remember and usually captivating, and gameplay was simply addictive. You always wanted to go to the next step and find out what happens next.

So, I defeated Ganon and beat the game. In some since I feel some sense of accomplishment from all of my diligence and longevity dedicated to this game. It’s so much easier to get into gaming when you aren’t around many familiar people and areas; such an easy outlet to distract you from life.

Top 50 video games of all time

The Barnetts, Family Feud, October 18


This is a reminder that you need to tune into Pax television station to watch these lovely ladies compete for $20,000! I won’t give away any details as I said before, but you won’t regret watching!

Here’s an article in the Houston Chronicle which sorta details their journey through the last month. Also, if you’re in Houston, you can listen to radio interviews tomorrow and on Monday.

I Am David

I Am David

I decided at the beginning of the week that I would go see Paul Feig’s (creator of Freaks and Geeks) film “I Am David“. I knew just a little of what to expect having downloaded the trailer once before. But having seen the movie, I was left with a very positive feeling!

I don’t think I should spoil anything about the movie since I believe you should see it yourself. Paul has once again taken a subject matter and portrayed it so realistically with elegant attention to detail. David has such an innocent, very identifiable quality about him that carries this film from beginning to end. You realize when it’s over the amazing adversity and doubt this boy had to fight in his journey.

After the movie finished, Paul and a moderator stayed for an extra 20 or so minutes commenting about the movie. Paul was so formally nice in his suit and well groomed haircut. A few recollections from his comments: I was amazed that the whole movie was filmed completely in Bulgaria. Bulgaria, from my little knowledge and ignorance about it, always seemed to be klumped in that whole poverty, war torn land that much of eastern europe gets a bad wrap for. However, I think this movie brought so much justice to the beauty and elegance of that country. Another quality that Paul has kept true is his quality to not settle for just any actor. When he’s in charge of a casting call, he makes sure that he finds the right person for his projects. It’s amazing how he finds just the right person for the right role, and he once again did a great job with this cast. Another trivial fact about the actress named Maria; she didn’t know any English prior to being cast but Paul was so very convinced that she needed that role. Although the story of this film is fiction, the factual basis of the events taking place is real. I really think it helps the nature of this film to be more believable. And finally, this role was filled by Jim Caviezel BEFORE he was cast in the role as Jesus.

One other quality that really helped me enjoy the movie even more was the music. Freaks and Geeks had the best soundtrack that any show on TV has had. I Am David, once again, had an impeccable selection of orchestral music, such as Winter from The Four Seasons and Ave Verum. (I sang this at a Latin competition in high school so it REALLY made a positive difference for me!)

The movie is being released around the first of December and I highly urge you to support Paul and the filmmakers. If you enjoy movies with a lot of character development, I think you’ll definitely enjoy I Am David.