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Author Micah Cambre

new syndications

This isn’t spam, I promise, but I’m spending a little time re-setting up some indieweb services to that I can syndicate new posts to services automatically. But, thanks for reading this message!

jsdocs > typescript?

I might not be well versed in TypeScript, but I really like this article that goes into using JSDoc as a great alternative to keeping JS but defining types. It provides a lot of easy to understand example and context.


I don’t know if WordPress’ direction with Gutenberg really serves my interests. In fact, what does a world beyond WordPress look like now for this site?

My last system move was from MoveableType to WordPress in 2008. MoveableType was great to get used to CMSes, and WordPress was a huge improvement b/c of the growing community.

In 2024, Gutenberg is the future of WordPress. I’m not enthusiastic about it. Now that HTML, CSS, and JS are making regular strides with first-class APIs and modern upgrades like native Web Components, I’m kind of ready go back to something more native. The thought of development like I did back in the early 2000s is appealing, but with modern content management.

Maybe headless? Maybe all static generated? I don’t know. I’m exploring headless now b/c why not.

I’ll be on WordPress for a while, no doubt, but can I hit 2025 with something new here? or at least different? Who knows. Life is busy!


Dear @mozilla, here’s my 2024 Christmas wishes for .

View Transitions
text-wrap: pretty
CSS Relative colors
Declarative Shadow DOM
CSS Container Style Queries
CSS widows & orphans

scss is just css now

Okay geeks, it’s almost January 2024 and, finally, Scss is now CSS.

Okay, not all of it, but primarily the biggest feature everyone uses.


That’s what we’re all using Scss for, right?

Right? Don’t lie…

Okay, let’s say we ditch Scss, as you should. Seriously, you should.

Do we… keep splitting CSS into lots of files like we did Sass?

Think about it, we take out the abstractions of Sass rules, we ditch the Sass build scripts, right?

Are we delivering lots of files now?

social fracture

Today, I was able to try out Bluesky, the Twitter ripoff. It’s very faithful if you’re used to Twitter.

I’ve been using Mastodon, lightly, for most of the year. It’s where the most relevant chatter was since Twitter’s fracture.

By a miracle, and help from OldTweetdeck, I’m still running the previous version of Tweetdeck for now. It’s on life-support and could die at any time.

Besides the light use of Facebook and Instagram, and having signed up for Pixelfed but not really using it, it’s a weird time for social media in 2023.

To recap:

  • Twitter is dying. Its owners want it to be called ? but nah, not gonna do that
    • Tweetdeck still serves its purpose for me, a general idea of what Twitter people are saying, but it’s far more conservative hyperbole now. However, still my social attention spend
  • Facebook serves people older than 30 crowd just fine, I guess, but I am allergic to its slurping up of all data to do who knows what. No thanks
  • Instagram is barely useful, mostly for the Stories feature, but just not much to enjoy beyond that
  • I wanted Pixelfed to replace Instagram, giving me control back, but I just haven’t committed
  • Mastodon is the 2nd primary attention and most of my posts, which still isn’t a lot
  • Nostr, well, is really so niche right now, you probably haven’t heard of it. But, for the few notable people I see there, and can’t really see elsewhere, it’s slightly interesting
  • Bluesky is not really gonna be much for me until I get a Tweetdeck like instant feed refresh tool. I don’t like manually refreshing Bluesky to see new posts, never did about Twitter, eithe

I won’t bother with any other social networks. It’s already too much for me.

Ideally, when magical time and effort appear in my life, I’ll set this site up to just blast out to half the list up there, Indieweb style, and start writing here on this site. Or not. It’s a lot of work, and the UI for WordPress and Gutenberg is not ideal, whether with Classic Editor or Gutenberg.

Also, I still have trust issues with the web in general. OpenAI, ChatGPT, all these new 2023 AI services, this site and my content on all the sites above and more have fed into their dataset. It’s annoying.

How do I find a balance here?

Bookmarked Unsolved Mysteries – Opening Theme (

This is still one of the most effective creepy theme songs and I love it!

generational divides

Older: That’s crazy
Younger: That’s wild

Older: Completely or Absolutely
Younger: ? or 100%

Older: I kinda don’t…
Younger: I low-key don’t…

Older: Know what I mean?
Younger: IYKYK

Older: That’s weird
Younger: That’s sus

Older: I got your back, my friend
Younger: I got you, fam

Older: You’re too much
Younger: You’re so extra

Older: You’re the best!
Younger: You’re the GOAT

This is a test for using quill on this blog

ghost peppers ouch

Lesson learned: ghost peppers affect you the whole way through the body! One accidental ingestion and 12 hours of intermittent heat ???