SupermanFor the last few weeks since I upgraded my site, updated my design, and “up, up, and away!”… Oops, lost track of my thought just now. Can you believe it’s been nearly two years since the latest Superman movie? And who knows when the next one will come out!

Back to my original thought, I’ve been getting some help from a couple of people trying to consolidate my site back to its original glory and I’m happy to note that I’m closer than ever! The first accomplishment was getting all my old comments and importing them into the site. I was lucky that I found someone who knew how to do it without too much effort! He then imported really old posts I made on another blogging system from 2002 to 2004 into my current site. I now have the long, tedious task of going through all my posts and tagging them, relinking, and cleaning up. Thanks Jay!

The other accomplishment is forwarding all my old posts. After reading this post I found from another valuable blog, I was determined to somehow forward all my old, outdated posts to match my new format on my new system. There are times where you can scour Google and it will still be linking to a post I made in another format that doesn’t exist anymore. Now the correct link will appear! After many back and forth emails with the author of the first post, we finally found the right solution with a custom mod_rewrite for me and so far, so good. I’m very grateful that random strangers with lots of knowledge will help me out. Thanks Matt!

So now, this site has every post I’ve ever made on my site since October 2002. Be sure to check ’em out!