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Author Micah Cambre


Man, 6th street was crowded. We arrived there around midnight just in time to crowd in with all the other freaks of nature. I, obviously, wasn’t spirited enough to dress up for the occasion. However, with my camera around my neck and stylin’ with my jeans and T, I proclaimed myself as Peter Parker before he was bitten by the radioactive spider. Funny thing, though, was that my spidey sense tingled a few times through the night. Hmm.. or was that my pants soaking from my tinkling? Not sure anymore.

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here we were and this is basically what it looked like for blocks ahead of us. Our speed never reached more than .01MPH the whole night. I think this probably would have been more fun if I was inebriated. However, since I’ve never been drunk before, I’ll change my mind before I get myself into trouble.

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This is just one example of the kind of people we saw. It’s blurry but hey, it’s the Smurfs! You can’t beat two people who dip themselves in blue paint just to make others such as myself happy to say that I’ve seen Papa Smurf and his woman. I wonder if he gets the chicks?

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Now, here’s the best costume of the night in my eyes. Classic. Just one of those things that makes you happy to see. Was I one of 2 that enjoyed the PeeWee Herman show back then? I was hooked to that crazy, random show about nothing. Oh wait, that’s Seinfeld. PeeWee was crazy. I don’t even remember if there was a point to his show. Just to be silly? Nonetheless, I’m sure for a while there he was banking. Then he had to go and ruin it by touching himself. Shame.

happy halloween!

I’m off to Austin for the night. Gonna party on 6th street and take some pics. Hopefully I’ll be back alive and well by tomorrow night!